
Welcome to The Black Gold Project

You are here because you have a product line that you would like to align with the Black Gold Project, to show to your customers you care about your social impact, and that you want to make more than performative changes. To be considered as an ally fill out the form below. You will be added to our list, and we will reach out to you to hear your ideas of allyship. In the same way that Nike realized an increase in revenue and cashflow from aligning with Colin Kapernick and the walking out of his actual steps to make an impact. You have a chance to show the African Diaspora, world wide that you care, and relate to them without doing it in a token manner. Your desire for participation will not guarantee it, but reaching out to connect will be responded to positively by us. Our neighbor team will vet your company’s history, responses to challenges, as well as the character and composition of your organization’s current leadership.