What it’s all about



…people benefiting from a system that determined acceptance based on skin color alone. The effects of white supremacist culture kneeling on the necks of an entire group, have left so many traumatized, separated, and believing the messages of devaluation. The project’s core goal is to get everyone in the African Diaspora to Know their worth, connect to their culture, and heal from their trauma.

The Black Gold Project is:

  • A source of positive imagery of the African Diaspora

  • A repository of stories of the African Diaspora called, African Children Talking (ACTs), shared for the purpose of healing and inspiration.

  • Focused on helping everyone in the Diaspora to; Know their worth, Connect with their culture, and Heal from their trauma.

  • A brand, that will work as an umbrella and launchpad for creatives, and entrepreneurs.

  • A brand willing to partner with allies who show support in more than performative ways including: internal diversity and representation, how they market their products, hiring practices and more.

  • Working to help the African Diaspora De-Colonize by being a “Virtual Wakanda”.

  • A resource for melanated people navigating a world market steeped in the devaluation of “blackness” for centuries. Black Gold Approved hopes to keep the same energy as “The Negro Motorist Greenbook”, but at a world wide level.

Current Situation: Phase 1

Getting the word out and building a list to complete ACT 1. 15 episodes of people sharing their stories. Setting up interviews has been complicated by Covid 19, but we are working on also creating podcasts and other methods of creating content for inspiration.

The world will be improved by us encouraging each other even if the world never acknowledges or appreciates us, we will acknowledge and appreciate ourselves. Hope makes new things possible, content shows that it’s possible, and the Black Gold brand aims to create a beacon for black people around the world to gather knowing they are supporting a movement that understands and supports them. We have been under attack for our skin for far too long. Let us see, share, and embrace the value in our blackness and embrace blackness in every manifestation. It’s time.

Click the button to join Act 1

Contribute behind the scenes Producers, Stylists, Designers, HMUAs, Event Planners, etc.


See our Mission Vision and Values One Page


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